
the version 5.0 doesn't have too many exports to kemi. In master branch there is already subst_body():

  - https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/blob/master/src/modules/textops/textops.c#L3541

I will add more as I get time before 5.1 release.

Anyhow, even in 5.0 is a generic kemi function that allows executing any kamailio.cfg function, respectively:

KSR.x.modf(func, param1, ...)

In your case, try:

KSR.x.modf("replace_body_all", "a=sendonly", "a=sendrecv")

You should be careful with KSR.x.modf(...), because is some cases it may result in pkg leak due to cfg param fixup. So, do some tests and be sure that pkg memory stats are not indicating a leak.


On 26.09.17 10:48, Muhammad Zaka wrote:



We are experiencing issue with python script KSR. textops.replace_body_all using branch 5.0.2: -


Example Code:

KSR.textops.replace_body_all("a=sendonly", "a=sendrecv")


It looks like that the module textops and textopsx are not available. Using $rb or $msg(body) pseudo variables isn’t working as they are readonly.


Is there any other way to replace the body?


Many Thanks




Muhammad Zaka



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