The user running apache does not have the correct permissions (apache/nobody). Try running the script from command line as that user.

inge wrote:
Up. No one have an idea ? :/

Le lundi 19 mars 2007 à 17:36 +0100, inge a écrit :
Hi all,

After a crash, the server runs normally SER process. In /tmp/ I've my
ser_fifo with same rights than an other server.

But my SERWeb says :

Warning: filetype(): Lstat failed for (null) (errno=13 - Permission
denied) in /var/www/client/functions.php on line 332

FIFO not running or bad path to it,
file: /var/www/client/functions.php:335

I've make a test by extracting the if bloc in functions.php near line
332. I put this in an other file. When I execute "php test.php",
filetype is Okay. But when I access by http://.../test.php I've got the
same error than serweb.

Thanks for your support.


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