I am using Enum Module in opencer. Here is the piece of the code I am using in openser.cfg:
   if (method=="INVITE")
      xlog ("This is the ReqUri as it arrives to openser: $ru");       # before adding +
      subst_uri ('/^sip:([0-9]+)/sip:+\1/');
      xlog ("This is the ReqUri as it arrives to openser: $ru");       # after adding +
      xlog("This is the return code from the enum query:  $rc");   # returns -1
      xlog("This is your new ReqUri:  $ru");                                # no URI change
Even though the response from Enum query is being sent to openser, enum_query returns -1. enum_query also does not change the current URI. 
here is the format of enum entry in the dns server:
# dig @ +short
100 10 "U" "E2U+sip" "!^.*$!sip:+18134841000@bts.voice.net!" .

Any suggestion?         