
Thanks for the reply, I however, do not know how to implement what you mentioned in your earlier mail. can you detail the steps? One of the openser users has suggested the following:


if (is_method('INVITE'))
     # check if from URI domain equals 911operator.com
     if ($fd == '911operator.com')
         # relay stateless using request URI
         # relay statefull using request URI
         if (!t_relay())

However, the function forward(); does not parse and gives error bad arguments. Can you suggest how to get this code working? I need it working asap.

Thanks again,



Hi Padmaja,

There is no other way around but just to implement a call back service
on your proxy. Save in DB the last caller hitting the 911 service and
when receiving the 8911, just load it and fwd to it.


Padmaja wrote:
Hi all,

> I have an issue, where the sip user dials 911 number and hangs up. The 911
operator then calls back to the user using the call back command provided
earlier say 8911 (there is a b2bua that interprets the call back number and
routes the call to the specific user). This number is to be routed via the
openser proxy to the b2bua. However, when the 911 calls back, proxy treats
this number as a username and since there are no registrations to this 8911
number (though this entry is present at the proxy, no device has registered
with this number), it sends back "404 Not found". How can this be

> Thanks,