

I am testing mediaproxy with ser. I have a config with a Grandstream handytone 486 as a UA  and a CISCO 5350 as a gateway.

My sip server is SER 0.9.0 . I find that when setting up a phone call and disconnecting the Grandstream ( power off or
disconnecting LAN cable ) the mediaproxy doesn’t timeout and disconnect the call. This is what I have done ...


Grandstream 486 -------- SER 0.9.0 with mediaproxy ------------CISCO 5350


I setup a call from a Grandstream Handytone 486 to the PSTN. and see this on the proxy server.


root#  ./sessions.py


Caller                Via                     Called             Status  Duration  Codec  Type   Traffic 



------------ - -  active     0'34"  G723   Audio 



Total traffic:  4.09kbps/352bps/4.44kbps (in1/in2/out)

Session count:  1



Now I disconnect the grandstream from the LAN cable in the middle of the conversation to test the timeout function of the mediaproxy.

now I get this.


root # ./sessions.py


Caller                Via                     Called             Status  Duration  Codec  Type   Traffic            

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -  active     0'36"  G723   Audio  62.92k/74.53k/12.77k


Total traffic:  16.53kbps/0bps/15.47kbps (in1/in2/out)

Session count:  1



The disconnect is reflected in in2 (0bps ), the connection stays active because I keep on receiving UDP packets ( background noise maybe or somebody talking ) from the PSTN gateway.

Is it correct to assume there is no end to end communication anymore as soon as one of both RTP streams is in 0bps ? or could it be that in that case there is silence from one end ? If it is correct to assume the connection to the UA has been lost as soon as there is no UDP data coming from it , how can I modify mediaproxy in a way it will disconnect on either one of the inputs being in 0bps?


any help highly appreciated .


Paul van Schagen