Does the SER process have rights to create files in /tmp?!
You should at least see prw-r----- for the ser_* files and owned by root (you should run SER as root).
---- Original Message ----
From: Cameron Beattie
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 02:27 AM
Subject: [Serusers] serctl monitor not working: ser_receiver

> I am having a problem getting serctl to "see" my SER instance.
> export SIP_DOMAIN=''
> /usr/local/serctl monitor
> I get message:
> [cycle #: 1; if constant make sure server lives and fifo is on]
> SER is running:
> /etc/rc.x/init.d/ser status
> ser (pid 3201 3197 etc) is running
> However /var/log/messages shows:
> /usr/local/sbin/ser [3434]: ERROR: open_reply_pipe: open error
> (/tmp/ser_receiver_3480): Permission denied
> /usr/local/sbin/ser [3434]: ERROR: fifo_reply: no reply pipe
> /tmp/ser_receiver_3480
> Seems like a permissions error but I'm not sure what to do to correct
> it. Any ideas?
> Regards
> Cameron
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