9. Re: the sip router project (Bogdan-Andrei Iancu)

Mmmh! guys, i am missing some points here, does this has anything to do with OPENSIPS-YATE Collabo? a counter attack move of some sort??? 


Message: 9
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 2008 17:24:15 +0200
From: Bogdan-Andrei Iancu <bogdan@voice-system.ro>
Subject: Re: [Kamailio-Users] the sip router project
To: Johansson Olle E <oej@edvina.net>
Cc: devel <devel@lists.kamailio.org>, serusers@lists.iptel.org,
       sr-dev@lists.sip-router.org, users <users@lists.kamailio.org>,  SER
       developer mailing list <serdev@iptel.org>, business@lists.kamailio.org
Message-ID: <4910691F.9020509@voice-system.ro>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Hi Olle,

Thank you for your thoughts. On a first view, it looks interesting, but I'm missing some points here (important points):

1) as OpenSER was forked from SER because different views (and the OpenSER view proved to be a very popular and successful one), I wonder
why, Kamilio is getting back to SER? not sharing any more the OpenSER view as claimed? because such merging will definitely have a great
impact on the dynamical  and openness of the projects (like releases, contributions, driving the project)

2) this major change of perspective (at least for kamilio) was a backstage decision, kept secret from the community - shouldn't be in the
interest of the community to say if going back to the roots (merging into SER) is something wanted or not? it somehow contradicts the self
existence of OpenSER, right?

3) the benefits you mentions are mainly optimization of the internal project activities and not optimizations of the outcome - what the
project will deliver. And I guess this is the most important. We already went though the experience of  large devel community, frameworks, etc but with no outcome for more than 2 years...

>From my personal perspective, the new project looks more like SER absorbing Kamilio (considering the sizes, the companies behind each
project, the resources, and the man-power behind each project).

And at the moment I would like preserve the OpenSER vision and to have an open source project (a standalone one), far away from the "control" of any Big Brother ;)


Johansson Olle E wrote:
> Congratulations to both projects!
> I think this is very beneificial for both communities as well as for
> all the companies out there using the two products.
> I am very happy with this result and hope that the third kid in the
> SER family - OpenSIPS - will consider joining the effort too.
> Best regards,
> /Olle
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End of Users Digest, Vol 42, Issue 11

Luzango Mfupe

"...Ships are safe in harbor, but they were never meant to stay there......."