As I understand it, forward is stateless (see Core cookbook) whereas t_relay is stateful (see tm module -, so you use one or the other depending on what type of proxy you are trying to implement.

On 19/12/06, Juan Carlos Castro y Castro <> wrote:
Should've tried harder:

Does that mean forward() doesn't add a Via: header whereas t_relay()
does? And, with forward(),  [Open]SER won't see the ACKs and BYEs and
other responses related to the initial request?
In stateless mode the proxy just forwards requests to the destination and doesn't wait for replies etc. This is what makes stateless proxies faster in general than stateful ones.
Not sure about whether a Via is added, but I doubt it as that would imply it would have to receive and process the replies.

Juan Carlos Castro y Castro escreveu:
> I was googling for that and found a reply in the SER list that links
> to a page that doesn't exist anymore:
> My searchs have been unsuccesful so far. Can anyone give me a pointer?
> Thanks,
> Juan
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