Take care if you are using realtime,  I saw that asterisk erase for some reason the "username" field in the sipusers table when you do sip reload.



On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 11:59 AM, Ovidiu Sas <osas@voipembedded.com> wrote:
If you use that particular config, you need to disable authentication
on the asterisk side.
Just read careful the tutorial.

Ovidiu Sas

On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 9:15 AM, Sundeep Kumar Mishra
<sundeep123kumariiit@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
>          I have installed an asterisk server at and a
> kamailio at I am using sip communicator as softphone SIP
> Client. It is able to register at kamailio but the kamailio is not able to
> forward register request to asterisk.
> We have gone through the tutorial
> http://kb.asipto.com/asterisk:realtime:kamailio-3.0.x-asterisk-1.6.2-astdb
> and used the configuration file after changing the asterisk ip and kamailio
> ip.
> We found out that when a normal softphone authenticates directly to asterisk
> it sends and recieve
> |--softphone -- REGISTER
> |--asterisk -- 401 Unauthorised . CHallenge
> |--softphone -- REGISTER - Response to Challenge
> |--asterisk -- 200 OK (If response was correct)
> But I saw that when  kamailio forwards register to asterisk, it sends first
> REGISTER packet but doesn't second the second one. It sends SUBSCRIBE
> instead of REGISTER with response to the challenge.
> Regards,
> Sundeep Kumar Mishra
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