Hi Henning,

On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 11:33 AM, Henning Westerholt <henning.westerholt@1und1.de> wrote:
On Wednesday 17 August 2011, Sebastian Damm wrote:
> we have a script running on our Kamailio servers which dumps all online
> users with kamctl ul show, parses it and then sends it to database. (For
> explanation, we started doing it this way because we noticed at least with
> an older (open)ser release that SER would completely stop working for a
> couple of seconds while writing registered users to database every 5
> minutes. When dumping it, we don't see any disruption.)

what about fixing this bug instead of using this workaround? This sounds
really inefficient.

Actually, piping the output through awk and generating a file for LOAD DATA INFILE" is not too bad. Additionally, we need to have that data in more than one DB, which prevents us from using one of the built-in db modes. We use an own DB mode which reads only on startup and then never touches the DB again.
I don't think there is a hard limit. Do you see any errors (e.g. memory
allocation issues) in the server logs? Another idea, if you're somehow stuck
to the old/ buggy version of the server, what about using DB_ONLY mode?

I don't see any errors in the log. And actually, that's the only bug left preventing our migration from 1.5 to 3.1. And I'd say, DB_ONLY is not an option, should be a lot less performant than if Kamailio keeps the state in memory (although I haven't benchmarked it).
Other ideas?

Best regards,

Sebastian Damm - VoIP-Engineer - damm@sipgate.de

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