I am trying to implement call forwarding using the uac_redirect module. My user agents reply with a SIP 302 Moved Temporarily message when the unconditional call forward is set. In the contact field there is something like this...

Contact Binding: <sip:13143212222@ser1.manhattan.sipnetwork.net>

I need ser to add a plus to that then send the call back out to our pstn carrier. 
I have tried this...
    if  (t_check_status("302"))
and putting it in a failure route then forcing that route

failure_route[2] {

I even tried

if               (t_check_status("302")){ # what to do if device tells us to forward to another number
but apparently get_redirects can only be used in a failure_route

Has anyone been able to get this working? On a 302 get the redirects from the contact field using get_redirects append with a "+" and rewritehost somewhere else it seemed so simple.
Any help is as always greatly appreciated, especially from daniel@voice-system.ro cause like me he's too far for norway beer.