
we just updated one kamailio server from 4.1.5 to 4.3.3, and although the config file is correct and kamailio starts up, it doesn't initialize TLS and says " tls support enabled, but no tls engineĀ  available (forgot to load the tls module?)"

In the log I see:

Old shutdown (last lines):
Nov 13 11:44:38 lasola /usr/sbin/kamailio[15890]: DEBUG: <core> [mem/shm_mem.c:235]: shm_mem_destroy(): destroying the shared memory lock
Nov 13 11:44:41 lasola /usr/sbin/kamailio[14818]: ERROR: <core> [tcp_read.c:271]: tcp_read_data(): error reading: Connection reset by peer (104)
Nov 13 11:44:41 lasola /usr/sbin/kamailio[14818]: ERROR: <core> [tcp_read.c:1296]: tcp_read_req(): ERROR: tcp_read_req: error reading

New startup (first lines):
Nov 13 11:44:42 lasola /usr/sbin/kamailio[16113]: DEBUG: <core> [daemonize.c:583]: set_core_dump(): core dump limits set to 18446744073709551615
Nov 13 11:44:42 lasola /usr/sbin/kamailio[16113]: WARNING: <core> [main.c:2475]: main(): tls support enabled, but no tls engineĀ  available (forgot to load the tls module?)
Nov 13 11:44:42 lasola /usr/sbin/kamailio[16113]: WARNING: <core> [main.c:2476]: main(): disabling tls...
Nov 13 11:44:42 lasola /usr/sbin/kamailio[16113]: DEBUG: <core> [async_task.c:88]: async_task_init(): start initializing asynk task framework
Nov 13 11:44:42 lasola /usr/sbin/kamailio[16113]: DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:959]: init_mod(): xmlrpc
Nov 13 11:44:42 lasola /usr/sbin/kamailio[16113]: DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:689]: find_mod_export_record(): find_export_record: found <bind_sl> in module sl [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/kamailio/modules//sl.so]
Nov 13 11:44:42 lasola /usr/sbin/kamailio[16113]: DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:959]: init_mod(): sl

In our config file we have the following lines for TLS (pretty late, after all other module loading and after most parameters):

loadmodule "tls.so"

modparam("tls", "private_key", "/etc/ssl/private/my.kamailio-key.pem")
modparam("tls", "certificate", "/etc/ssl/certs/my.kamailio.crt")
#!ifdef TLS_CA_CHAIN
# Maybe we want to use a chain to the CA
modparam("tls", "ca_list", "/etc/ssl/certs/my.ca-bundle.crt")

After starting up, kamailio listens on port 5060, but not on port 5061. In version 4.1.1, this config worked without a problem.

Has anybody seen this before? the tls module is there and available, it doesn't say anything about "cannot load module", and it is only a warning message. I'm also wondering, why this message is the first after starting the server. From config I would expect that sl, tm and all the other modules should be initialized before tls.

Best Regards,