This is correct, insert_update is used instead of insert when needed and available by userloc.

This is providing better consistency in some cases, because the insert will not fail in case of constraint violation but will update instead last one will prevail.
Not a problem, just a warning to let you know that you are missing a feature.

Thanks for the answer.

On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 10:44 PM Daniel-Constantin Mierla <> wrote:

kamailio works fine if the database server does not support insert_update statement, this being used only if enabled via usrloc module parameter. Not being the developer of db postgres module, I guess the message is just an usual warning to make the voip admin aware and not enable use of this statement for user location/registrar.


On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 7:46 AM Minh Phan <> wrote:
Hello List,

I have just installed the version 5.1.6 and I get this warning message when Kamailio starts:

> db_postgres_new_connection(): server version < 9.5 does not support insert_update

Does it mean Kamailio will not be working properly with my current Postgres Server (9.4)? What are the consequence of not having support for insert_update command?

Best regards,
Minh Phan

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