I’ve downloaded it from the website: http://www.kamailio.org/pub/kamailio/4.0.2/src/

The same for http://www.kamailio.org/pub/kamailio/4.0.0/src/



From: sr-users-bounces@lists.sip-router.org [mailto:sr-users-bounces@lists.sip-router.org] On Behalf Of Daniel-Constantin Mierla
Sent: Friday, July 5, 2013 9:43 AM
To: Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [SR-Users] Compiling with db_unixodbc



On 7/3/13 8:18 AM, Grant Bagdasarian wrote:



I don’t know if this has already been reported, but I’ve downloaded kamailio 4.0.2 and tried to compile it with db_unixodbc. I got the following error:


CC (gcc) [M db_unixodbc.so]             _con.o

_con.c:34:17: fatal error: con.h: No such file or directory

compilation terminated.

make[1]: *** [_con.o] Error 1

make: *** [modules] Error 1


I looked in: …/kamailio-4.0.0/modules/db_unixodbc and saw there was no con.h file, only a _con.h file. The con.c file was pointing to con.h. So I renamed _con.h to con.h and compiling worked.

that's strange, I checked the sources and there are con.c and con.h:

# ls modules/db_unixodbc/
Makefile      con.c         db_unixodbc.c dbase.c       doc           list.h        res.h         row.h         val.h
README        con.h         db_unixodbc.h dbase.h       list.c        res.c         row.c         val.c

How did you download the sources? Git or tarball?


Daniel-Constantin Mierla - http://www.asipto.com
http://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda