Hi Henning:

  It happens after one or two weeks of operation. Yes, it changes the contact header in every forwarding appending the same uri. If a restart is performed, after a few days it happens again but a different uri is appended this time, and so on. I have not noticed any other problem apart from that. The only change made to this version was a backport of mysql module from 1.3 to avoid mysql connection problems (see that thread http://openser.org/pipermail/users/2008-February/016101.html ).



2009/4/30 Henning Westerholt <henning.westerholt@1und1.de>
On Donnerstag, 30. April 2009, Francisco Javier Lizaran Vilches wrote:
> Hi all:
> Have running this script on Openser 1.2.3-notls version managing forwards
> this way:
> [..]

> User A calls user B and B has fwdbusy parameter set in user preferences; if
> B is busy, proxy sends 302 message back to A with contact set to
> $avp(s:fwdbusy) value. This setup usually works fine. However, sometimes
> the proxy shows a strange behaviour. It starts to append an arbitrary
> contact to the contact header in every forwarding it does. The contact
> appended has nothing to do with A or B or the uri set in the avp. The same
> uri is appended in all call forwardings performed in the system. If the
> proxy is restarted, the problem disappears.
> Example:
> Contact: sip:30050@domain.com <sip%3A30050@domain.com>,

> <sip:030410@;transport=udp>;q=0

Hi Francisco,

strange.. How frequent do you observe this? Did i understand you correctly, if this change in behaviour occur, it alter the Contact header in every forwarding? Do you get also some other problems, like a eventual crash, or errors in other areas? Do you use any custom (self written) module in your setup?



Fran Lizaran
Comprometido con el Derecho a Vivir