The brancktrace leads to a log message during shutdown, so that is not
an issue at all.
Looking at log messages, it appears you don't have sufficient private
memory. What is your -M parameter? If you haven't provided it, then try
with -M 12
On 22/10/15 16:28, M S wrote:
> I am sorry for inconvenience, I was a bit confused whether it is a
> related to dev or user mailing list since kamailio was giving
> segmentation fault (which i guess was expected in this case), so i
> post it on both. Anyways, i will try to be careful next time.
> Initially selinux was enabled, but then i disabled to see if that
> helps but didn't find any change in behavior.
> Here is BT Full of sigfault,the full kamailio debug level 3 logs are
> also attached herewith.
Daniel-Constantin Mierla!/miconda -
Book: SIP Routing With Kamailio -