Hello. I tried to use UAC module at my system for registration multiple providers, and call through it.

When I implementing this at my cfg file I had some troubles:

-- with Authentification at INVITE (using UAC_AUTH). IT does not send second INVITE packet with www_auth header for some trunks (not for all, only for some providers)

-- with BYE recieving from PROVIDER ("No BYE from Called party" task at USers Mailing lists)

After many days of tests and debugging I ask question from myself - does module correctly works?

As I know this module breaks some philosophy about SIP proxy and development of this module is not question of first priority.

After that all I need advice - what I must use for registtration my SIP trunks - 3d party registrant or this module, that works fine and I doing something wrong? 

Thanks for advice.