I cannot really see anything wrong. Try without domain in your radius_www_authorize and www_challenge and see if you get the same.  I assume this is freeRADIUS?  I haven't used it, so there might be configuration stuff I'm not aware of, but again, the log seems ok.  Do you have the problem with one or all users?

Natambu Obleton wrote:

I am new to SER and radius and I am having a digest problem.



My ser.cfg section:

        if (method=="REGISTER" || method=="INVITE") {

                log("**************************WTF mate?");

                if (!radius_www_authorize("voip.fasttrackcomm.net")) {

                        log("WTF mate auth?");

                        www_challenge("voip.fasttrackcomm.net", "0");




My users file:

Line 50-

9703751000@voip.fasttrackcomm.net       Auth-Type := Digest, User-Password == "5321"

        Reply-Message = "Authenticated"



--- Walking the entire request list ---

Cleaning up request 96 ID 55 with timestamp 44be52aa

Sending Access-Reject of id 56 to port 34690

        Reply-Message = "Authenticated"

Waking up in 4 seconds...

rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=57, length=247

        User-Name = "9703751000@voip.fasttrackcomm.net"

        Digest-Attributes = 0x0a0c39373033373531303030

        Digest-Attributes = 0x0118766f69702e66617374747261636b636f6d6d2e6e6574

        Digest-Attributes = 0x022a34346265353363613034613664386636363465613466303132313031343666303665316361316333

        Digest-Attributes = 0x04207369703a35303040766f69702e66617374747261636b636f6d6d2e6e6574

        Digest-Attributes = 0x0308494e56495445

        Digest-Response = "e311972978c1d06b6341c18aba7373c7"

        Service-Type = Sip-Session

        Sip-Uri-User = "9703751000"

        NAS-Port = 5060

        NAS-IP-Address =

  Processing the authorize section of radiusd.conf

modcall: entering group authorize for request 98

  modcall[authorize]: module "preprocess" returns ok for request 98

rlm_digest: Adding Auth-Type = DIGEST

  modcall[authorize]: module "digest" returns ok for request 98

    rlm_realm: Looking up realm "voip.fasttrackcomm.net" for User-Name = "9703751000@voip.fasttrackcomm.net"

    rlm_realm: Found realm "voip.fasttrackcomm.net"

    rlm_realm: Proxying request from user 9703751000 to realm voip.fasttrackcomm.net

    rlm_realm: Adding Realm = "voip.fasttrackcomm.net"

    rlm_realm: Authentication realm is LOCAL.

  modcall[authorize]: module "suffix" returns noop for request 98

    users: Matched entry 9703751000@voip.fasttrackcomm.net at line 50

  modcall[authorize]: module "files" returns ok for request 98

modcall: leaving group authorize (returns ok) for request 98

  rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type Digest

auth: type "digest"

  Processing the authenticate section of radiusd.conf

modcall: entering group authenticate for request 98

    rlm_digest: Converting Digest-Attributes to something sane...

        Digest-User-Name = "9703751000"

        Digest-Realm = "voip.fasttrackcomm.net"

        Digest-Nonce = "44be53ca04a6d8f664ea4f01210146f06e1ca1c3"

        Digest-URI = "sip:500@voip.fasttrackcomm.net"

        Digest-Method = "INVITE"

A1 = 9703751000:voip.fasttrackcomm.net:5321

A2 = INVITE:sip:500@voip.fasttrackcomm.net

KD = bde2dd5ada6b4377bf8167616c47236f:44be53ca04a6d8f664ea4f01210146f06e1ca1c3:d9ed5d99fee1e1f435339ff6f206edac

rlm_digest: FAILED authentication

  modcall[authenticate]: module "digest" returns reject for request 98

modcall: leaving group authenticate (returns reject) for request 98

auth: Failed to validate the user.

Delaying request 98 for 1 seconds

Finished request 98





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