On Dec 10, 2007 11:02 PM, Jai Rangi <
jprangi@gmail.com> wrote:
Preparing Kickstart file is a good idea.
How about running a post installation script in the kickstart file. We have done this a lots on time in FC*. The process should be something like this,
1. Build a default kickstart file that will install all the required packages for all the ser components.
2. The kickstart file have an option to run a post installation script.
3. Now we need to have one zip file of all the components we want to install related to ser. (ser, werbwer, sems, sipp, sppsak etc). That file can be placed either on the CDs or can be downloaded from somewhere. All the components can be packaged in the one zip file of they can be downloaded separately.
4. The script can be interactive.
yes that will be the idea, for the CD install
after install of OS, we can run post install script to compile rest all required for
SER ( or compile already for the same OS Distro and move them directly to the respective Directory)
BTW I have a small postinstallation shell script like that, and I can share that.
post to group, may be if require people may use.
On Dec 10, 2007 3:42 AM, SIP <
sip@arcdiv.com> wrote:
Greger V. Teigre wrote:
> [removed sems, semsdev, and serdev from cc]
> SIP wrote:
>> Something I noted about the project. While I am all for a virtual image
>> for testing purposes and getting things up and running while we're
>> creating this project, I think the ultimate goal should be something
>> like an ISO that's ready to go on a server. There are many of us in the
>> systems world who have not bought into the whole virtualisation
>> marketing gimmick when it comes to system deployment, and for the casual
>> home user who's less comfortable with using VMs for an actual production
>> system (which is, to be honest, a lot of people), it might be easier in
>> the long term to get everything the way we want it and then make an ISO
>> that's ready to drop onto whatever machine with all the components we need.
> Ok. When you say "ISO that's ready to drop onto", do you have a
> particular procedure in mind?
> g-)
Something like taking a kickstart file and making an installable livecd
from it (something similar to the LiveCD berlios project). I don't KNOW
of one that works to create installable ISOs in CentOS, but I'm sure
there must be... somewhere... maybe....?
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