I am using cisco 7960 and grandstream. 286,486

On 10/11/05, Samuel Osorio Calvo <samuel.osorio@nl.thalesgroup.com> wrote:
Which UA are you using??? It looks like all your issues comes from the implementation you are using as end-point and has nothing to do with SER.


>>> Alex <alexandergav@gmail.com> 10/11/05 11:06AM >>>
Hi all
I would like to explain some problem.
When my UAC initiates INVITE the server response with 100 trying
After receiving 100 trying the UAC sending again INVITE. ( HERE is the
RFC - 3261 ("After receiving a 1xx response, any retransmissions cease
altogether ");
Any help on that will be appreciated.
In addition if there any way to extend the timeout between the INVITES.