Éstos son los mappings implementados por Nortel:
ISUP Cause value SIP response
---------------- ------------
1 unallocated number 404 Not Found
2 no route to network 404 Not found
3 no route to destination 404 Not found
16 normal call clearing --- (*)
17 user busy 486 Busy here
18 no user responding 408 Request Timeout
19 no answer from the user 480 Temporarily unavailable
20 subscriber absent 480 Temporarily unavailable
21 call rejected 403 Forbidden (+)
22 number changed (w/o diagnostic) 410 Gone
22 number changed (w/ diagnostic) 301 Moved Permanently
23 redirection to new destination 410 Gone
26 non-selected user clearing 404 Not Found (=)
27 destination out of order 502 Bad Gateway
28 address incomplete 484 Address incomplete
29 facility rejected 501 Not implemented
31 normal unspecified 480 Temporarily unavailable
El Monday 03 March 2008 13:32:12 David Villasmil escribió:
> cuando te mandan la llamada qué user-agent mandan?Es una Nortel CS2000.
Iñaki Baz Castillo
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