Buenas tardes, active el LOG de rtpproxy:

cuando inicio opensips, sale:

Mar 23 15:17:41 rtpproxy[24560]: DBUG:handle_command: received command "30452_0 V"
Mar 23 15:17:41 rtpproxy[24560]: DBUG:doreply: sending reply "30452_0 20040107 "
Mar 23 15:17:41 rtpproxy[24560]: DBUG:handle_command: received command "30452_1 VF 20050322"
Mar 23 15:17:41 rtpproxy[24560]: DBUG:doreply: sending reply "30452_1 1 "
Mar 23 15:17:41 rtpproxy[24560]: DBUG:handle_command: received command "30452_2 VF 20071116"
Mar 23 15:17:41 rtpproxy[24560]: DBUG:doreply: sending reply "30452_2 1 "
Mar 23 15:17:41 rtpproxy[24560]: DBUG:handle_command: received command "30452_3 VF 20081102"
Mar 23 15:17:41 rtpproxy[24560]: DBUG:doreply: sending reply "30452_3 1 "

Cuando inicio una llamada entre usuarios sale:

Mar 23 15:19:51 rtpproxy[24560]: DBUG:handle_command: received command "30455_5 Uc0,101 0d5e07505f2e891fYTg1Mzc4Y2NiOTJiNjcyMTVjMjJiMDM2MGY3NmRhMWY. 36378 77213d5e;1"
Mar 23 15:19:51 rtpproxy[24560]: INFO:handle_command: new session 0d5e07505f2e891fYTg1Mzc4Y2NiOTJiNjcyMTVjMjJiMDM2MGY3NmRhMWY., tag 77213d5e;1 requested, type strong
Mar 23 15:19:51 rtpproxy[24560]: ERR:create_twinlistener: can't bind to the IPv4 port 39080: Cannot assign requested address
Mar 23 15:19:51 rtpproxy[24560]: ERR:handle_command: can't create listener
Mar 23 15:19:51 rtpproxy[24560]: DBUG:doreply: sending reply "30455_5 E10 "

Y la llamada se queda sin audio de un lado


Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:
El día 23 de marzo de 2012 15:40, magnusadilsom@gmail.com
<magnusadilsom@gmail.com> escribió:
ERROR:nathelper:fix_nated_contact_f: SCRIPT BUG - second attempt to change
URI Contact
Revisa tu script, estás llamando dos veces a la función fix_nated_contact().