
it has to be an update anyhow, the functions were moved to corex module to allow variables as parameters. I think now it can be host:port.


On 1/15/13 8:33 PM, Klaus Feichtinger wrote:

could you please update the core cookbook for Kamailio release 4.0.0? The core functions "send" and "send_tcp" are including wrong examples of usage (since many previous versions....). You have written the example


which is representing a socket, but not a hostname. However, caused by the double quote it is interpreted as a hostname and kamailio is trying to resolve that string. As it is (mostly) not resolvable, kamailio cannot start. Many newbies are having a problem with this fault. I guess forward() and its variations will have the same problem, when a target is added within the brackets (instead of using pseudo variables).

I recommend adding a second example - one for an ip address based target and one for a domain target with correct forms e.g.
send(, 5070);


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: kamailio doc update
Datum: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 14:50:14 +0000
Von: FEICHTINGER Klaus <Klaus.FEICHTINGER@frequentis.com>
An: Klaus Feichtinger (klaus.feichtinger@inode.at) <klaus.feichtinger@inode.at>

Please update CORE Cookbook



Send the original SIP message to a specific destination in stateless mode. No changes are applied to received message, no Via header is added. Host can be an IP or hostname. Used protocol: UDP

Parameter is mandatory and has string format.

Example of usage:




Is not a valid example. Correct would be:

send(, 5070);               for IP address + port





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