Hi descartin,

We had a similar problem not long ago - see what is your current setting for SHM size:


It's possible that memory manager runs out of shared memory and raises SIGABRT, causing Kamailio to crash. In our case, we had multiple cores dumped per crash - one of parent raising SIGABRT and 2-3 from child processes hitting a race condition between handling SIGABRT from parent and SIGSEGV raised internally from failed SHM operation.

We had to increase this setting significantly, but our use-case involves lots of usrloc data in memory. It is possible that for your use-case you didn't have to tune SHM size yet and hit the default limit just recently.

When tuning memory, you may also want to check out -M command line option:

I haven't found corresponding parameter to configure this inside the routing script like the one for SHM, and we had some problems later with pkg memory running low as well.

You can check current memory usage with RPC commands, i.e.:


Hope this helps :-)

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