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Added the possibility to specify an alternative file different from the default: kamailio.cfg, when starting kamailio, using the kamctl tool.
This makes it possible to start kamailio by passing a startup file located in a specific folder (via ETCDIR env variable) and with a specific name, instead of using the default name: kamailio.cfg.

Several local tests have been performed and it has been verified that it is now possible to perform the basic start/stop/restart operations of kamailio via kamctl, considering the use of a startup file other than the default: kamailio.cfg.

Example of .kamctlrc used:

STARTOPTIONS="-m 512 -M 64 -u user -g group"

Tested on CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core).

I think this change will be interesting for many users.


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