@miconda commented on this pull request.

In src/modules/pua_dialoginfo/dialog_publish.c:

> @@ -188,6 +188,8 @@ str* build_dialoginfo(char *state, str *entity, str *peer, str *callid,
 			LM_ERR("while adding child\n");
 			goto error;
+		/* Testing(POC) - Add a display attribute to the remote/identity tag */
+		xmlNewProp(tag_node, BAD_CAST "display", BAD_CAST "RemoteCallerName");	

I understand that you want the user part from SIP URI set in identity tag, then practically you have to parse it with parse_uri() function, which fills a structure with a field point to user part. Like:

parse_uri(remotetarget->s, remotetarget->len, &puri);

Then use puri.user.s and puri.user.len, which point to the start of user part and give the length. Similar will be for localtarget part.

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