hmmm... at 4.4.0 same.
I suppose it conflicts with something else at the ubuntu 16.04 maybe?

there is part of output 4.4.1 DEBUG=4

0(28129) DEBUG: [cfg.y:1592]: yyparse(): loading module
0(28129) DEBUG: [sr_module.c:575]: load_module(): trying to load
0(28129) DEBUG: [mem/f_malloc.c:323]: fm_malloc_init(): fm_malloc_init: F_OPTIMIZE=16384, /ROUNDTO=2048
0(28129) DEBUG: [mem/f_malloc.c:325]: fm_malloc_init(): fm_malloc_init: F_HASH_SIZE=2099, fm_block size=33912
0(28129) DEBUG: [mem/f_malloc.c:326]: fm_malloc_init(): fm_malloc_init(0x7f02653c5000, 67108864), start=0x7f02653c5000
0(28129) ERROR: tls [tls_init.c:490]: tls_pre_init(): Unable to set the memory allocation functions
0(28129) ERROR: [sr_module.c:607]: load_module(): /usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/ mod_register failed

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