
On 8/9/12 4:42 PM, Peter Dunkley wrote:
On Thu, 2012-08-09 at 16:03 +0200, Olle E. Johansson wrote:
I am not in favour of a new module. Like GRUU, this is just optional behaviour based on the signalling....

there is no final design yet, I assume, but if there is a need for [persistent] storage, I would not like to get rr or path dependent of db or other type of external storage. If the flow value carries the information needed for routing in the SIP message, then rr/path can be extended. Otherwise I think a new module to take care of storage overhead is recommended, either using internally rr/path or the other modules using it.

The fact is that these modules are used heavily, even in embedded devices, but at the moment outbound is not implemented at large in clients side (ie, few phones sending sip.instance and reg-id). So the 'classic' usage is still the most important for some time.



My concern is just the amount of complex Kamailio configuration required for something like Outbound.  It's likely to be very messy and hard for people to use.  But if you think it is practical, I don't have a problem trying it that way.

There are going to be quite a number of (hopefully small) changes to the existing modules (path, registrar, rr, and usrloc at least) anyway.
Have I missed anything in that list?

Peter Dunkley
Technical Director
Crocodile RCS Ltd

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