On Thu, 2012-12-06 at 11:57 +0100, Olle E. Johansson wrote:

One thing that would speed up the development of outbound is if someone else (who knows about the internals of the registrar and usrloc modules) took on the tasks relating to those.  These are basically:
It needs to be handled properly in parallell and serial forking, which I have not seen. May have missed it though.

My point exactly.  I have no experience with the registrar and usrloc modules, and the outbound development breaks neatly into two parts: I will eventually do all of it, but if it is needed sooner then getting someone else to do the proxy/registrar part would help.

And for being able to use outbound for NAT traversal on a single server (so no Edge proxies):
This would allow me to focus on the Edge server behaviour, which involves changes to path, rr, a new outbound module, and some configuration examples (for edge and proxy/registrar).

And new response codes. 

All of the checking/handling of the new response codes will be in failure_routes.  So I don't think there is really any work required here.

I do long for an eventroute for broken TCP connections from clients.

Not sure how this would help with outbound as the proxy/registrar and edge server (with the client connections) will be separate anyway?

I think that between checking the return code from t_relay() and a failure_route on the edge proxy you will catch all of these problems and be able to generate the 430 response.

Thanks for the feedback. I guess we have to visit Berlin and feed an unspecified group of developers with Bratwurst and Beer to get some help here... :-)

If I had time to visit Berlin I'd have more time to spend on outbound in the first place :-)
Peter Dunkley
Technical Director
Crocodile RCS Ltd