Why would you do this when there are perfectly good B2BUAs out there already?
And, all these capabilities already exist within the SEMS 'sbc' module.

Saurabh Sinha <Saurabh.Sinha@rsystems.com> wrote:

Hi All,


I am planning to use Kamailio, to build a B2BUA with the following functionalities:

-          Topology Hiding (SIP: To, From, Call-ID, P-Asserted-ID)

-          Topology Hiding (SDP: Changing SDP info – and act as an RTP Proxy)

-          Perform – NAPTR ENUM Query

-          To Release call (If Max Duration Reached)

-          Generate CDRs.

[Note: This is somewhat like a light SBC service]


Now, my question is how to develop this service over Kamailio.

Does Kamailio provide any Development APIs, which this B2BUA can use?

OR I need to enhance or built new Kamailio modules?


From the initial understanding, I got to know, Kamailio maintains SIP Transactions, and NOT the SIP Dialog, and basically I need to build this.


It will be great if someone can give me any leads on this front.





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