Hi everybody, I'm doing my final project of my bachlor degree!

I use in a virtual machine Kamailio 3.1.3 within realtime Asterisk 1.6.13!

I have to use tLS, done! An other part of my final project is to make a filter on the medias in the SDP . 
Well, so like m= video, audio, application.. This filter has to be retrieved in  Siremis!

So, in Siremis, I have to put the filter in case of the media for the different subscribers and connections in/out of the SBC

Can you give me your different opinions about that, how to make it, possibilities? where in the code I have to make this filter?? parser/sdp/sdp.c ?? .. 

Thanks in advance

Best regards  

Grégoire Vandendeurpel, 

IT Sector