Did not manage to get default proxy to work.

I used the same config as I used with my home-brewed version of http_client.

The API calls work, it's just the proxy config that isn't applied.




#!define API_SERVER_A "apiA=>http://name:pass@api01.host.com"
#!define API_SERVER_B "apiB=>http://name:pass@api02.host.com"

loadmodule "http_client.so"
modparam("http_client", "httpcon", API_SERVER_A)
modparam("http_client", "httpcon", API_SERVER_B)
modparam("http_client", "httpproxy", "proxyhost")
modparam("http_client", "httpproxyport", 8181)

/* in functions.c */

if (params->http_proxy  != NULL) {
LM_INFO("****** ##### CURL proxy [%s] \n", params->http_proxy);
res |= curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROXY, params->http_proxy);
} else {
LM_INFO("****** ##### CURL proxy NOT SET \n");

if (params->http_proxy_port > 0) {
LM_INFO("****** ##### CURL proxy port [%d] \n", params->http_proxy_port);
res |= curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, params->http_proxy_port);
} else {
LM_INFO("****** ##### CURL proxy port NOT SET \n");




Mar 24 15:35:35 32048a54378d /usr/sbin/kamailio[8465]: INFO: http_client [functions.c:189]: curL_query_url(): ****** ##### CURL proxy NOT SET
Mar 24 15:35:35 32048a54378d /usr/sbin/kamailio[8465]: INFO: http_client [functions.c:196]: curL_query_url(): ****** ##### CURL proxy port NOT SET

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