I prepared some files in a zip: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qVap6BhbGpJwHL-Gf3aUCBOSSbekscs5 including some instructions on how to reproduce. Kamailio config is down to 15 lines (5 modules only) and the python script is also bare bones with about 30 lines.

It boils down to:

  1. setup kamailio and sipp
  2. run kamailio
  3. start the "isp" sipp in one shell
  4. start the "asterisk" sipp in another shell
    (more details to be found in the zip)

I did a few more checks, also. One initial assumption about the problem was wrong.
It is reproducible with a single udp socket as well, not related to tcp like initially stated.
Also i tried to reproduce it with a native kamailio config file but could not reproduce it, this script is also included in the zip file.

Good luck hunting it down :-)

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