Because it's looks like relatively complex to me, at least right now, not enough api knowledge.
But it's just a matter of time.
However, looking to 'modules_k/purple/hashtable.c' - this code is exactly based on glib that I've used too.
Why the internal hashtable structure didn't fit your needs?You can also store structs in it.On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 9:30 PM, Konstantin M. <> wrote:
I forgot to mention, a value isn't just int or char, it's a struct.
For now I've already build it based on, works perfect.
Thanks to all for answers.
2012/12/15 Ovidiu Sas <>The idea is to keep the core as small and clean as possible, that's
why you need to use a module.
Simply bind to the module's API, use it and list it as as dependency.
If the module is not available, then simply disable the new
functionality or implement the new functionality in a new dedicated
Ovidiu Sas
> No, I mean module independent.
> 2012/12/14 Juha Heinanen <>
>> Konstantin M. writes:
>> > I have a question: is there any internal built-in database (hashtable or
>> > something like that) that I can use ?
>> > I need a functionality: key->value (get/set).
>> check htable module.
>> -- juha
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