Hi Luis,

you should not care about the script interpreter inside your C code. It does freeing of pv value, if needed (the interpreter executes pv_value_destroy() when needed).

The flags PV_VAL_PKG or PV_VAL_SHM must be set only (when needed) by a pv or transformation implementation. It is not necessary to use them if you call the ->setf() function from a pv, because that setf function will copy the value to its own structure.


On 05/01/15 13:25, Luis Azedo wrote:
Hi Daniel,

if i understand it correctly, it is safe to call  pv_value_destroy after assigning the $var(..) in module code.

i still have doubt on when and how to free the result of a transform returned value.

in script
if( $(myPvar{my.mytransform,transformParameter}) =="test value") {
 $var(x) = $(myPvar{my.mytransform,transformParameter});

in module i assign the returned value of transform with dst_val->flags = PV_VAL_STR | PV_VAL_PKG;
since this line "if( $(myPvar{my.mytransform,transformParameter}) =="test value") {" is allocating memory, will it be freed by script with pv_value_destroy  ?
this line "$var(x) = $(myPvar{my.mytransform,transformParameter});" assigns the returned value to a variable, will the script free the right side of the expression ? will it use pv_value_destroy  ?


From: sr-dev [sr-dev-bounces@lists.sip-router.org] on behalf of Daniel-Constantin Mierla [miconda@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2015 3:59 AM
To: Kamailio (SER) - Development Mailing List
Subject: Re: [sr-dev] need help understanding pv_value_destroy


if you assign to a $var(...), it makes a deep copy in pkg memory. It is up to you to handle further the content of dst_val and free it properly.

If you set the PV_VAL_PKG (value must be in a pkg_malloc() pointer) or PV_VAL_SHM (value must be in a shm_malloc() pointer) for dst_val, then you can call pv_value_destroy() to get it freed. But it is not necessary, if you free it in the code yourself.


On 04/01/15 12:36, Luis Azedo wrote:
Hi Daniel,

can you help on this ?

From: sr-dev [sr-dev-bounces@lists.sip-router.org] on behalf of Luis Azedo [luis@2600hz.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2014 4:19 AM
To: sr-dev@lists.sip-router.org
Subject: [sr-dev] need help understanding pv_value_destroy


in some function that return a value with PV_VAL_PKG or PV_VAL_SHM, the allocated memory is supposed to be freed by core ? 

script example

my_function("some param","$var(result)");

in code => 
dst_val->flags = PV_VAL_STR | PV_VAL_PKG;
dst_pv->setf(msg, &dst_pv->pvp, (int)EQ_T, &dst_val);

when $var(result) is freed, will it free the allocated string ?

if( $(myPvar{my.mytransform,transformParameter}) == $null) {
 $var(x) = $(myPvar{my.mytransform,transformParameter});

in code => 
dst_val->flags = PV_VAL_STR | PV_VAL_PKG;

will the memory allocated be freed  in the comparison line ?
will the memory allocated be freed  when $var(x) is freed ?

thank you

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Daniel-Constantin Mierla
http://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda

Daniel-Constantin Mierla
http://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda