I don't know what would be involved in pushing DMQ messages through TLS as I am not familiar with the routing DMQ messages take through the Kamailio stack.I don't think that TLS should be mandatory for DMQ, just as it is not mandatory for SIP. My thinking was just that if there is a way to configure DMQ to use TLS (perhaps by just putting "tls:" on the front of the server address) it would be a good thing.Regards,PeterOn 29 October 2013 11:36, Charles Chance <charles.chance@sipcentric.com> wrote:
On 29 October 2013 11:24, Alex Balashov <abalashov@evaristesys.com> wrote:It's not my decision, but personally, I'd leave this to the user to secure, just like everything else that is kind of IPC in nature (database connections, HTTP queries, etc originating from script).I'm inclined to agree. The DMQ module is indeed IPC in nature, so by default I would expect to be responsible for securing that communication at network layer. But still I question myself, is this the correct approach.Charleswww.sipcentric.com
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