@henningw commented on this pull request.

In src/modules/ims_usrloc_pcscf/ul_callback.c:

> +        /* we don't register null functions */
+        if (f==0) {
+                LM_CRIT("null callback function\n");
+                return E_BUG;
+        }
+        /* build a new callback structure */
+        if ( types & PCSCF_CONTACT_UPDATE){
+            if (!(cbp_registrar=(struct ul_callback*)shm_malloc(sizeof( struct ul_callback)))) {
+                LM_ERR("no more share mem\n");
+                return E_OUT_OF_MEM;
+            }
+            cbp_registrar->callback = f;
+        }
+        else{
+            if (!(cbp_qos=(struct ul_callback*)shm_malloc(sizeof( struct ul_callback)))) {

This variable is causing a conflict with ims_qos module:
/usr/bin/ld: ims_qos_mod.o:./src/modules/ims_qos/./../ims_usrloc_pcscf/../ims_usrloc_pcscf/usrloc.h:246: multiple definition of `cbp_qos'; cdpeventprocessor.o:./src/modules/ims_qos/./../ims_usrloc_pcscf/../ims_usrloc_pcscf/usrloc.h:246: first defined here

Should be renamed

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