Thanks for your help I installed MacPorts and I'm following this Install Gide: I'm getting error on install /bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file make: *** [install-cfg] Error 2 The only thing that was added to the modules.lst was: # the list of extra modules to compile include_modules= db_mysql tls here is the ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # this file is autogenerated by make modules-cfg # the list of sub-directories with modules modules_dirs:=modules # the list of module groups to compile cfg_group_include= # the list of extra modules to compile include_modules= db_mysql tls # the list of static modules static_modules= # the list of modules to skip from compile list skip_modules= # the list of modules to exclude from compile list exclude_modules= acc_radius app_java app_lua app_mono app_perl app_python auth_ephemeral auth_identity auth_radius carrierroute cdp cdp_avp cpl-c db2_ldap db_berkeley db_cassandra db_mysql db_oracle db_perlvdb db_postgres db_sqlite db_unixodbc dialog_ng dialplan dnssec geoip gzcompress h350 ims_auth ims_charging ims_icscf ims_isc ims_qos ims_registrar_pcscf ims_registrar_scscf ims_usrloc_pcscf ims_usrloc_scscf iptrtpproxy json jsonrpc-c lcr ldap memcached mi_xmlrpc misc_radius ndb_redis osp outbound peering presence presence_conference presence_dialoginfo presence_mwi presence_profile presence_reginfo presence_xml pua pua_bla pua_dialoginfo pua_mi pua_reginfo pua_usrloc pua_xmpp purple regex rls sctp snmpstats tls utils websocket xcap_client xcap_server xhttp_pi xmlops xmlrpc xmpp $(skip_modules) modules_all= $(filter-out modules/CVS,$(wildcard modules/*)) modules_noinc= $(filter-out $(addprefix modules/, $(exclude_modules) $(static_modules)), $(modules_all)) modules= $(filter-out $(modules_noinc), $(addprefix modules/, $(include_modules) )) $(modules_noinc) modules_configured:=1 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Make Log: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ See Attach Instal Logfile install.log