Just had a bash at adding this myself, and it seems to work nicely for my usecase...
Adding this changing calls to post or get, and defining a parameter for retry attempts

ruxc_http_get(&v_http_request, &v_http_response);
	//Retry enabled, either have a server error code or a connection error
	int attempt;
	attempt = 0;
	while(attempt < _ruxc_http_retry && (v_http_response.retcode < 0 || (v_http_response.rescode > 499 && v_http_response.rescode < 699)){
		LM_DBG("Retrying Request Attempt: %d - Response Code: %d - Return Code: %d - URI: %s\n",
			attempt, v_http_response.retcode, v_http_response.rescode, v_http_request.url);
		ruxc_http_get(&v_http_request, &v_http_response);

Im loving ruxc lol

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