Hi @miconda,

We are using rtpengine indeed, and we are doing a rtpengine_offer() in the request_route. In the failure route we are only doing a uac_auth() and t_relay the message again.

However, just for rule things out, if i remove the rtpengine_offer() from the initial outbound route in the request_route(), then the content length is OK. But then of course we don't have the correct SDP.

we are using the rtpengine_offer like this for the outbound call in the request_route:
rtpengine_offer("replace-origin replace-session-connection RTP/AVP SDES-no-NULL_HMAC_SHA1_32 SDES-no-NULL_HMAC_SHA1_80 OSRTP=accept")

So it is definitely caused by the SDP/body being changed in the request_route() in combination with the failure route doing a uac_auth(). But that should be totally fine right?

Hope you have more good idea's:)

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