
it is ok from my point of view, it looks like a bug otherwise. But please add notes in the docbook/readme documentation about this change for each of these functions.


On 5/15/13 2:36 PM, Vicente Hernando wrote:

uac_replace_to and uac_replace_from functions can receive two arguments, display and uri.

In current implementation two double quotes are automatically added to display during fixup.

Would it be a better behavior not to add any quotes? If the user wants some quotes he should add them by himself.


right now, if I get a display "Vicente" from an invite and store it in $fn variable, if I call

uac_replace_from($fn, uri_foo)    it produces  ""Vicente"" in the display which kamailio complaints about.

If we would avoid quotes, uac_replace_from function could accept:

uac_replace_from("Bob", uri)      display = Bob

uac_replace_from("\"Bob\"", uri)    display = "Bob"

standard supports quoted strings, not quoted tokens, spaces before and after quotes, etc.

Attached patch should avoid quotes in uac_replace functons.

What are your opinions about this?

Kind regards,

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