Thank you, Mikko,

I need to perform this actions inside my module (I don't want to use config files and config functions to perform this actions) because the module performs more actions than that ;-)
Also this means that it is not possible for me to just work on top of the sdpops.

But thanks I will look at data lumps. It's shame that all useful functions such as `msg_apply_changes()` ( are static so it means that I need to copy&paste them when I want to use them within module.

Also it is even possible to add SDP attribute by adding new data_lump? Isn't data_lumps dedicated to manage SIP message headers?

I just need a solid answer for question: "Is the adding attribute to SDP body implemented in Kamailio? If yes where can I find it and how can I use it?"
If it is not implemented yet how can I contribute? It is easy as modifying `buf` of `sip_msg`?

I am sorry maybe the subject of this email is not clear enough. I mentioned changing SIP message but not SDP body.

On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 9:00 AM, Mikko Lehto <> wrote:
Cockhootec Yahrabee <>:

> I have function where I cast `sip_msg`'s `body` to `sdp_info` structure and
> within this function I am changing some fields in `sessions` and `streams`
> list.
> I am able to see changes when I am printing them after message leaves the
> function but Kamailio sends the original message not the changed one. Do I
> need somehow let the Kamailio know that the message was changed and it
> should rebuild `buf` field? Or I need to change directly `buf` field within
> `sip_msg`?

You need to handle message modifications as data lumps.
Have a look at Kamailio development guide:

Also, look if you can extend sdpops module instead of baking new one:

Hope this helps :)

Mikko Lehto

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