
Seems that topos is not adding Record-Route headers in this scenario.




Log Messages

I've added some more debug to topos:
Full kamailio-lb.log

This is the part when processing of the 200 OK coming from PSTN(fake)

Jun 18 13:48:35 sp1 lb[14702]: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:868]: tps_response_received(): handling incoming response
Jun 18 13:48:35 sp1 lb[14702]: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:376]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - x_via1: [SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKcf3d.49d855e2b5f83b9dff62c8a6b0cf23f8.0](80) - x_via2: [](0) - x_vbranch1: [z9hG4bKcf3d.49d855e2b5f83b9dff62c8a6b0cf23f8.0](46)
Jun 18 13:48:35 sp1 lb[14702]: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:485]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - a_rr: [](0) - b_rr: [](0) - s_rr: [](0)
Jun 18 13:48:35 sp1 lb[14702]: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:490]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - as_contact: [](0) - bs_contact: [](0)
Jun 18 13:48:35 sp1 lb[14702]: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:126]: tps_storage_lock_get(): tps lock get: 220
Jun 18 13:48:35 sp1 lb[14702]: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:889]: tps_response_received(): loaded dialog a_uuid [atpsh-5eeb547f-3970-3]
Jun 18 13:48:35 sp1 lb[14702]: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:391]: tps_storage_link_msg(): downstream: yes - acontact: [] - bcontact: [sip:;transport=UDP]
Jun 18 13:48:35 sp1 lb[14702]: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:138]: tps_storage_lock_release(): tps lock release: 220
Jun 18 13:48:35 sp1 lb[14702]: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:182]: tps_add_headers(): adding to headers(0) - [Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bKh2oO8aY.;rport=5080#015#012]
Jun 18 13:48:35 sp1 lb[14702]: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:910]: tps_response_received(): x_rr[] y_rr[] s_rr[<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=5A412B38-5EEB5492000D683F-C3258700;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=5A412B38-5EEB5492000D683F-C3258700;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>]
Jun 18 13:48:35 sp1 lb[14702]: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:182]: tps_add_headers(): adding to headers(0) - [Record-Route: <sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=5A412B38-5EEB5492000D683F-C3258700;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=5A412B38-5EEB5492000D683F-C3258700;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>#015#012]
Jun 18 13:48:35 sp1 lb[14702]: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:182]: tps_add_headers(): adding to headers(0) - [P-SR-XBranch: z9hG4bKcf3d.49d855e2b5f83b9dff62c8a6b0cf23f8.0#015#012]
Jun 18 13:48:35 sp1 lb[14702]: NOTICE: REPLY_FROM_OUTBOUND <script>: Reply from Outbound - S=200 - OK M=INVITE IP=«udp»:«»:«50603» ID=«NGCP%invite_peerout_outbound_socket%///1-15281@» UA='<null>' DESTIP=«»:«5064»
Jun 18 13:48:35 sp1 lb[14702]: NOTICE: REPLY_FROM_OUTBOUND <script>: NATed reply detected - ID=«NGCP%invite_peerout_outbound_socket%///1-15281@» UA='<null>'
Jun 18 13:48:35 sp1 lb[14702]: NOTICE: REPLY_FROM_OUTBOUND <script>: Sending reply from outbound, fs='«udp:»' du='«»:«5080»' - ID=«NGCP%invite_peerout_outbound_socket%///1-15281@» UA='<null>'
Jun 18 13:48:35 sp1 lb[14702]: DEBUG: <null> topos [topos_mod.c:514]: tps_execute_event_route(): executing event_route[topos:topos:msg-sending] (2)
Jun 18 13:48:35 sp1 lb[14702]: DEBUG: <null> topos [tps_msg.c:1038]: tps_response_sent(): handling outgoing response
Jun 18 13:48:35 sp1 lb[14702]: DEBUG: <null> topos [tps_msg.c:376]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - x_via1: [SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bKh2oO8aY.;rport=5080](79) - x_via2: [](0) - x_vbranch1: [z9hG4bKh2oO8aY.](15)
Jun 18 13:48:35 sp1 lb[14702]: DEBUG: <null> topos [tps_msg.c:485]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - a_rr: [](0) - b_rr: [<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=5A412B38-5EEB5492000D683F-C3258700;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=5A412B38-5EEB5492000D683F-C3258700;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>](214) - s_rr: [](0)
Jun 18 13:48:35 sp1 lb[14702]: DEBUG: <null> topos [tps_msg.c:490]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - as_contact: [](0) - bs_contact: [](0)
Jun 18 13:48:35 sp1 lb[14702]: DEBUG: <null> topos [tps_storage.c:126]: tps_storage_lock_get(): tps lock get: 220
Jun 18 13:48:35 sp1 lb[14702]: DEBUG: <null> topos [tps_msg.c:1068]: tps_response_sent(): loaded branch a_uuid [atpsh-5eeb547f-3970-3]
Jun 18 13:48:35 sp1 lb[14702]: DEBUG: <null> topos [tps_storage.c:138]: tps_storage_lock_release(): tps lock release: 220
Jun 18 13:48:35 sp1 lb[14702]: DEBUG: <null> topos [tps_msg.c:182]: tps_add_headers(): adding to headers(0) - [Contact: <sip:atpsh-5eeb547f-3970-3@>#015#012]
Jun 18 13:48:35 sp1 lb[14702]: DEBUG: <null> topos [tps_msg.c:1101]: tps_response_sent(): x_rr[] y_rr[] s_rr[<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=5A412B38-5EEB5492000D683F-C3258700;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=5A412B38-5EEB5492000D683F-C3258700;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>]
Jun 18 13:48:35 sp1 lb[14702]: DEBUG: <null> topos [tps_storage.c:391]: tps_storage_link_msg(): downstream: yes - acontact: [] - bcontact: [sip:;transport=UDP]
Jun 18 13:48:35 sp1 lb[14702]: DEBUG: <null> topos [topos_mod.c:454]: tps_msg_sent(): new outbound buffer generated
topos [tps_msg.c:910]: tps_response_received(): x_rr[] y_rr[] s_rr[<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=5A412B38-5EEB5492000D683F-C3258700;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=5A412B38-5EEB5492000D683F-C3258700;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>]

proper Record-Route value is on s_rr

but here uses x_rr that is empty in this case

SIP Traffic

pcap files for the same scenario with and without topos

Additional Information

This is Sipwise version based on 5.3.4, no patches on topos apart of the debug one.

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