
I am trying to load db_perlvdb.so module using latest Kamailio branch v5.0.6 with git revision 49bd81ad7856dac9b2efd53597fb1c182de7440b on Debian Wheezy 32bit. The compilation and installation went successful however the module gives following error.

May  4 19:03:59 webrtc[8895]: INFO: app_perl [app_perl_mod.c:351]: mod_init(): perl interpreter has been initialized (1525453439.237584 => 1525453439.454432)
May  4 19:03:59 webrtc[8895]: CRITICAL: db_perlvdb [db_perlvdb.c:79]: mod_init(): perl module not loaded. Exiting.
May  4 19:03:59 webrtc[8895]: ERROR: <core> [core/sr_module.c:970]: init_mod(): Error while initializing module db_perlvdb (/usr/local/adx-webrtc/lib/kamailio/modules/db_perlvdb.so)

I tried to find module perl.so in modules folder of kamailio installation but there is none. Then i looked through the source code but no success.

After some googling, i found following link which states that perl.so was remained to app_perl.so since v4.x.

I have created a small patch for db_perlvdb.c which corrects this error.

diff --git a/src/modules/db_perlvdb/db_perlvdb.c b/src/modules/db_perlvdb/db_perlvdb.c
index 7a2b63e..266ece2 100644
--- a/src/modules/db_perlvdb/db_perlvdb.c
+++ b/src/modules/db_perlvdb/db_perlvdb.c
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ struct module_exports exports = {
 static int mod_init(void)
-    if (!module_loaded("perl")) {
-        LM_CRIT("perl module not loaded. Exiting.\n");
+    if (!module_loaded("app_perl")) {
+        LM_CRIT("app_perl module not loaded. Exiting.\n");
         return -1;

Kindly update Kamailio master and branch trunks.

Thank you.