For selectively tracing sip messages sent by kamailio, we successfully use onsend_route: but this works for forwarded requests/responses only.

For locally generated messages, there does not seem to be a reliable method:
– tm:local-request: message is usually not final, not executed for locally generated ACK and CANCEL
– tm:local-response: works for responses only (triggered after sending)
– sl:local-response: works for responses only (triggered after sending)

We also tried event_route[network:msg], but sip_trace() does not work there (msg not parsed/available?).

Might it be possible to add a core option "onsend_route_localsrc", that can be enabled to make kamailio trigger onsend_route also for locally generated requests (and also locally generated responses, if "onsend_route_reply" is enabled)?

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