Daniel-Constantin Mierla writes:

> The commit message first line has to start with the name of the module
> ("rr: ...") like per contributing guide:
> * https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md#commit-message-format
> It is important for generating changelogs and releases. I made a
> similar remark to your latest commit as well.

OK, will add if this leads to anywhere.

> Then, related to the commit itself, `myself` matching is related to
> routing address (ip/domain) matching of the server, this should be the
> default behaviour. Otherwise, on this case, it can happen that is
> matching headers added by another node using same socket names, which
> can have unexpected side effects in processing .

If such conflicts can happen or not, depends on the proxy deployment

> Personally I do not really see the need for what this patch brings,
> because you can specify the domains associated with the sever on
> several ways: config alias parameters, domain module (with register
> myself) for dynamic or large number of domains and corex module for
> subdomains.

In multi-tenant setup, MS Teams does not know which tenant INVITE from
Kamailio tries to reach if first R-R URI does not contain FQDN of the
tenant and, like everyone knows, MS does not care sh*t about standards
compatibility. So the FQDN needs to be there and also loose_route()
needs to work. I don't think that the other options you mention in the
above can help here.

> However, I am fine to add the behaviour of the patch, but controlled
> by a new rr module parameter (e.g, myself_mode) , default being
> disabled (e.g., myself_mode=0) so the match is done like so far, on
> address elements only.

OK, I'll try to add if the patch otherwise is OK.

-- Juha

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