Relevant commit e7bd157
Issue reproduced and kamcmd I can see

kamcmd> ws.dump
	connections: {
		55344: wss:2605:84c0:81:2::101:58431 -> wss:2605:84c0:48:5::6:2856 (state: OPEN,  last used 77s ago, sub-protocol: sip)
		92612: wss:2605:84c0:81:10::104:61581 -> wss:2605:84c0:48:5::6:2856 (state: OPEN,  last used 601s ago, sub-protocol: sip)
		92613: wss:2600:1f18:40ed:da30:9265:c6fa:e808:9cf9:50223 -> wss:2605:84c0:48:5::6:2856 (state: OPEN,  last used 557s ago, sub-protocol: sip)
		87920: wss:2605:84c0:80:1730::104:51995 -> wss:2605:84c0:48:5::6:2856 (state: OPEN,  last used 266s ago, sub-protocol: sip)
	info: {
		wscounter: 4
		truncated: no

I closed all connections using ws.close and a new connection was created again from the client.
The same error message was generated for the new WebSocket connection.

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