Trying to understand how I can reproduce it in order to troubleshoot ...

So, I have to use KSR.pv.get("$sel(@hf_value.Via)") inside ksr_reply_route() of a Python (app_python) script? The it crashes after a while of handling traffic (14-20 packets -- requests and replies, or only replies)?

At the first thought, should not be a KEMI export issue, but a select variable issue. From what is strictly related to KEMI code, either KSR.pv.get("$sel(via)") or KSR.pv.get("$sel(@hf_value.Via)") have the sam code, but then it ends up in executed code from textopsx module to get the $sel(@hf_value.Via), while I think the $sel(via) is implemented in the core. The select variables were implemented by SER developers when Kamailio was a separate project (during 2005-2008) and we got the code with the merge in 2008-2009. So, overall I am not that familiar with that code, but it has to be fixed, so being able to reproduce will help a lot.

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