
if I understood right, you want the calls that are cut after 30sec (or so) because the ACK was not routed to be stored with duration 0, right? If yes, then it should be made configurable via module parameter, with default of what was so far, because those calls also cost money in most of the cases, being answered.

As an extra note, I don't see a reason declare and to give the old state as a string, should be given as the associated integer ID (e.g., DLG_STATE_CONFIRMED) and compare params->dlg_data casting to unsigned int.


On 16/04/15 11:51, Lucian Balaceanu wrote:

I would like to propose a patch in which the dialog duration displayed in the cdrs is:
    0 -> timed-out not acknowledged dialogs
    duration from creation to timeout -> timed-out acknowledged dialogs

I am still testing the solution for the master branch while tests pass on a previous version.
Any comments on the code? (I am not particularly proud of the string defines in the dlg_cb.h, but am unsure where to include some const variable accessible to both acc and dialog to pass as calback param for dialog expiration)

Thank you,
Lucian Balaceanu

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