Hi @henningw , the issue got resolved on the way. Unsure what actually could've led to its correct working, however some possible guesses are

  1. Re-setting the labels for legs on BYE request on ksr_route_relay
        KSR.pv.sets("$avp(mos_A_label)", "Aleg_label");
        KSR.pv.sets("$avp(mos_B_label)", "Bleg_label");
  1. using the query function before delete
  1. using the dialog end event to extract call leg media stats too
function ksr_dialog_event(evname)
    if (evname == "dialog:end") or (evname == "dialog:failed") then
 KSR.log("info", "mos_average_packetloss_A_pv" .. KSR.pv.get("$avp(mos_average_packetloss_A)"))
        KSR.log("info", "mos_average_jitter_A_pv" .. KSR.pv.get("$avp(mos_average_jitter_A)"))

In short, the labels are that Kamailio was looking for weren't available in problem earlier. But now it can find the labels it is looking for in RTP engine logs and possible parsing the correct value for mos scores from it.
Closing the issue since it is resolved.

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